08 Feb Reno-related stress
You can’t prevent renovation-related stress,
but you can prepare for it. Here’s how.
A renovation of any size will bring about some level of stress, so the best bet is to prepare for i in order to minimize its impact on you. Some stress is a given. It might be that the light fixture you carefully selected and built the entire room’s scheme around broke in transit. Or perhaps bad weather put a literal damper on your reno’s timeline. Or maybe the paint was mislabelled at the store and you came home to find your would-be-white walls a ghastly bright shade of light green.
Breaking a sweat just thinking about it? We hear you. But there is a way to mitigate this unavoidable stress. Budget for it, and we don’t mean financially. Beyond simply calculating the obligatory 10 percent contingency fund, assess the stresses already existing in your day to day and find a way to temporarily tamp them. It’s much easier than it sounds. Getting dinner on the table every night, doing those never-ending loads of laundry, keeping the house tidy – you’re so used to doing certain tasks that you don’t realize the toll they take on your everyday. Consider outsourcing one, two or all of these tasks for part of or the course of your renovation. When the inevitable blow to your vision comes, you’ll be much better able to talk Plan B with your contractor if you’re not chopping or ironing or doing the weekly shop at the same time.
The services available to you are myriad and ever increasing. Take feeding your family, for example. Save yourself the trip by having someone hand-pick and bring your groceries right to your doorstep (try Grocery Gateway or Walmart). You can also alleviate the time-consuming undertaking of meal-planning altogether with a weekly meal-kit delivery (Goodfood, Hello Fresh and Chef’s Plate are popular). Or skip the whole ordeal with some good old fashioned takeout; whether you opt to call your local favourite or order off an app like Skip the Dishes (that name speaks for itself!) or Uber Eats is up to you. Likewise, you can send out your laundry (in Toronto, check out Bindrop and Vaundry) and hire a maid (Aspen Clean has great reviews).
These suggestions all come with price tags, of course, but these costs are negligible in the grand scheme of the renovation and easily lumped into the large overall sum you’re already spending. If you play your cards right, you’ll end up with a beautiful space you’re happy in—without feeling miserable along the way.
Greg Davidovitch
Operations Manager
Christian Saunders, a seasoned marketing professional hailing from Toronto, Ontario, brings over 5 years of valuable experience to our team.
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